Why can’t a movie be just a movie or a show just be a show. Not everything has an agenda. I personally like to get lost in what I watch. It was meant to be entertainment and that is how I leave it. I feel people are trying to find flaws or reasons to complain. They don’t consider the time it was made or the time period it was written about. People are trying to erase the misfortunes of yesterday like they didn’t happen. The problem is the more you try to erase the hurt and mishaps of the past, you are more likely to repeat the past. Not to mention, you erase the great people that were part of it. They are worth watching and respecting.
When a show and movie were created or based on the 1950’s of course it’s not going to be what some may call politically correct for today. Should you cry about it or complain about it? No! Remember things were different back then. If you don’t like it, just don’t watch it. Movies should not be made to fit today’s thinking nor should they be eliminated because of today’s thinking. Movies and shows should fit the times they are supposed to represent and what they are about. We should have our minds open and have knowledge of and acknowledge history. I repeat try to erase history today will be making it the future of tomorrow.
If I am watching a comedy, I want it to make me laugh. I don’t care if it’s a satire, comedy, anime, comedy show, romantic comedy, sitcom, or reality show. If I want to be on the edge of my seat, I am not caring how they are talking or who is saying what- as long as it’s doing what it is supposed to do…having me looking forward to the next episode or scene.
When you watch something, don’t look for agenda. Just watch it. Did it make you laugh or cry? Did the storyline get your attention or was it boring? If you get hung up on the details of girl power or verbiage, you may miss out on a really good show or just miss the point of it… to entertain you. So, try to just watch a show or movie and relax.